
It’s important to know the differences between job specific disability coverage and general disability income insurance. If you specialize in a certain field, you can get a disability plan for your own-occupation. Take for instance a veterinarian, who works exclusively with horses; they may want to take out a disability income plan […]

The Difference Between Own-Occupation and General Disability Income Insurance

Back in 2014 when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into full effect, individuals had six months to enroll. Then the following year, people only had three months; however, the government ended up extending the open enrollment deadline. That year they also assisted people during the tax season who didn’t know or understand why they […]

CMS Shortens the Open Enrollment Period for the 2018 Plan ...

As part of the new stabilization ruling, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have given insurers flexibility in terms of plan design. They’re not restricted to the metal tiers: bronze, silver, gold, platinum. Now, they can create different plans with lower premiums that are still considered qualified health […]

CMS Allows Insurers Plan Flexibility to Lower Premiums