With spring at hand, its time to begin your annual house clean up. Have you noticed those pesky allergies seem to always get worse when you begin your spring cleaning? The fact is you could be harming your health by the way you are cleaning up. So today we will give you the Do’s and Don’ts of cleaning and what you should avoid, to make sure you stay in top shape.
What’s In Your Products?
What products are you using to clean up your house? Some products that are able to get out those tough stains easier could be too much for your body to handle. While your cleaning body parts such as the skin, eyes and even mouth are exposed to these products causing damage and even possible poisoning due to their chemical components. Doctors suggest avoiding products that have sulfuric acid contents as well as sodium hydroxide. At the link provided, you can find 6 cleaning products that are safe to use throughout your house. Do you know those cleaners that make your house smell like lavender? Fragrance cleaner products usually have chemicals and can take serious tolls on your health.
Dust Problems
Trying to get the dust off that old wood or your fan? You could be triggering your allergies by stirring up the dust and inhaling it. You should wipe dust-up monthly to help avoid build up as well as wearing a disposable dust mask to avoid any possible dust being inhaled. Your clothes can also collect dust as you begin to clean so were old clothing that you don’t mind getting a little dirty.
Diluting Bleach
Even though bleach is a great way to kill bacteria it also leaves you open to the toxins emitted. Make sure that you are wearing gloves when using bleach and you are never overusing it. Are you diluting your bleach? For every one cup of bleach you use, keep in mind to mix it with one gallon of water.
Crack A Window
Are you cranking up the air conditioning when the temperature rises? When springtime comes around and temperatures rise many forget to simply open their windows which has many benefits. For one opening your window helps reduce and remove indoor air pollution that your AC never can do. Opening your windows can help reduce the build-up of mold, remove dust you might have missed, as well as removing condensation from your home.
Fur Problems
Do you have fur friends at home? Most people forget to clean up in the areas most occupied by their pets. Vacuuming pet hair can be more of a hassle especially if you’re using tools that aren’t actually picking up the hair. Try using a hair collecting brush for the areas that seem to collect the most hair, while vacuuming your home frequently to avoid build up.
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