A happy family enjoying a picnic knowing they are protected by aca health insurance.
Did you know that millions of Americans gain access to affordable health coverage every year thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? If you want to understand ACA health insurance and how it can benefit you, look no further than your friends at Empower Brokerage. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) […]

Understanding ACA Health Insurance

A young woman looks curiously at her laptop screen.
With a plethora of public and private coverage options, constant federal reform underway, and a large number of confusing concepts to parse through, insurance is a tricky topic no matter which way you slice it. Health insurance premiums are one of the things most Americans are consistently curious about. In […]

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Health Insurance Premiums

A mom holds her daughter as they enjoy the sunset in a field of tall greenery.
Various health insurance options exist on the market, but what if you can not afford to pay monthly premiums? People making a significantly low income might be eligible for government help with Medicaid or Children’s Medicaid, also known as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The federal government works with […]

What is Medicaid Insurance?

When adults enter the workforce, there are a few things they look forward to. The main one is a job that provides full benefits and comprehensive health coverage from their employer. However, what happens when you are not working for anyone else? Continue reading to explore the various health coverage […]

Health Coverage Options for the Self-Employed

This fall, significant changes will be introduced to short-term, limited-duration insurance (STLDI) plans, impacting how they are offered and utilized across the United States. Effective  September 1, 2024, these adjustments will redefine the scope and function of short-term health plans, aligning them more closely with consumer protection standards. The government’s changes seek […]

Short Term Plan Changes Coming in September

Medical Insurance Concept And Stethoscope On Wooden Desk representing type of plan
Choosing the right type of health plan is pivotal to ensuring your healthcare needs are met without overburdening your finances. This blog post aims to demystify the types of health plans available on the marketplace, aiding you in making an informed decision. HMO Health Plan Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans […]

Type of Health Plan: Selecting the Right One

a cup with detox tea
In the realm of health trends, detox tea emerges as a coveted solution for those seeking a quick cleanse or weight loss. Its promises of purifying the body and facilitating effortless weight reduction have secured its place in wellness routines. Yet, when we examine these claims more closely, it becomes […]

The Truth Behind Detox Tea

woman holding heart shaped block over her stomach.
Mutual Symbiosis Did you know your body is host to an unquantifiable number of germs? Now, before you panic- they’re meant to be there! In the past few years, the spotlight has been set on gut health as researchers uncover its role in overall well-being, and the phrase has become […]

What Makes Gut Health So Important?

Cars drive through a busy intersection in downtown Los Angeles.
Of all 332 million people living in the United States, 39 million live in California. So, about 12% of all Americans are also Californians, making the Golden State the most populous state in the country. This point has two punchlines: 1) if you’re one of the many residents of California— firstly, hi […]

Breaking Down Health Coverage in California

Health Insurance is spelled out with lettered tiles.
Health insurance is important for your financial health. It pays for unexpected medical bills and gives you access to other medical resources.  Unfortunately, health insurance is also one of the most expensive commodities out there. In a 2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey, 14.5% of American adults live uninsured.  […]

Navigating Health Insurance Costs with Budget and Credit