What You Need to Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
Picture this: you’re at home, and one of your friends accidentally cut themselves. You go looking around your house for bandages and gauze, but you can’t find anything. You want to at least clean the wound so you scurry around searching for hydrogen peroxide. Again, you can’t find anything. This tends to happen frequently in households low on medical supplies. Some people don’t even have a medicine pantry in their homes! This is an accident waiting to happen, and it’s about time you fix it. Most people don’t fill up their medicine cabinet because they don’t know what exactly to keep in it. Today, we will be going over some of the top tools and first aid ready supplies you will eventually need in your home.
First-Aid Kit for the Medicine Cabinet
For obvious reasons, you should always have band-aids, gauze, and peroxide available for any random cuts. Band-aids will help prevent any blood leaking from a wound; gauze will help stop the bleeding; and peroxide is used to help keep the cut from infection. It’s important to note that cuts should be handled differently depending on the type of wound and healing varies (see the guide here). Aches and pains come out of nowhere and affect all of us. If you want to push through the pain, it might be a good idea to keep some Tylenol or other painkillers in your cabinet. Feel like you’ve been warmer lately or the complete opposite? It would be wise to always have a thermometer in your home to be able to check your temperature.
Cold Compress and Medicine
Someone is bound to end up with a black eye or a swollen muscle, and that’s the perfect time to pull out the cold compress. Leaving the bag in your freezer for emergencies is convenient and can soothe the body in a matter of minutes. Suffer from heartburn? By keeping antacids like tums around, you will be able to fight back as soon as you feel your body begin to flare. Waking up from a rough cough throughout the night? Cough medicine will help suppress your cough and keep you asleep throughout the night. If you aren’t fighting a cough but still having trouble sleeping, look into buying melatonin, which helps relax your body to the point of sleep.
Allergies, Congestion, and More
Feeling congested sucks and that’s the reason why always keeping a decongestant is key. From Advil to Mucinex, there are many over-the-counter decongestants that will do the job. For those who wear glasses, it’s easy to understand that your eyes become dry. Keep eye drops of contact solution handy for those moments of dryness in your eyes or contacts. Last but not least allergy season seems to be year-round, and keeping medication to fight back is important. Keep a box of Sudafed in your possession or even Allegra. We hope these tips help keep your medicine cabinet stocked with the best medications and supplies for any emergency.
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