
This fall, significant changes will be introduced to short-term, limited-duration insurance (STLDI) plans, impacting how they are offered and utilized across the United States. Effective  September 1, 2024, these adjustments will redefine the scope and function of short-term health plans, aligning them more closely with consumer protection standards. The government’s changes seek […]

Short Term Plan Changes Coming in September

Keeping a good work-life balance is something we all need to learn.
Remember that feeling of spinning plates on sticks, hoping none go crashing down? Yeah, that’s pretty much adulthood now. Between chasing promotions and wiping sticky hands, achieving “work-life balance” feels like winning the lottery. How do you achieve the status of SuperMom/Dad and climb the corporate ladder? How do you […]

Workplace Wellness Tips

A mosquito hanging off a leaf
A Very Buggy Start This year’s mosquito season is already off to an explosive start across the country. The mosquito’s active season has grown significantly with milder winters and warmer summers. So these bugs won’t bug off anytime soon. What can you do to repel mosquitoes safely and effectively? To […]

The Mosquito Blight: Stopping the Bites

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Humans sweat to keep cool, but considering the alternatives, you should be grateful for your glow. Photo by Cottonbro on Pexels.
Turn of the Season, Turn Off the Sweat Well, folks, summer is at an end, and fall is fast upon us, so we should be delving into our coat closets and costume bins and gearing up for the gold-toned glory that is autumn. I am particularly excited for the turn of the […]

Sweat: A Closer Look at Thermoregulation

Children running in hallway.
As the Summer break comes to an end, it is a hurry to try to get the kids prepared for school. That may mean buying new clothes and shoes, picking the perfect backpack, or finding the big pack of crayons with all the best colors. Whatever back-to-school prep means for […]

Back-to-School Health Tips

Woman drinking a glass of water.
“Drink More Water” If I had a dollar for every time someone told me to drink more water, I’d be rich. We are warned constantly about dehydration and the negative effects of a low water intake but rarely are we cautioned about drinking too much water. Most people probably don’t […]

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

poor posture
Strong Spine, Strong Body I am the first one to admit that my posture isn’t great. When I’m not hunched over my laptop, I’m looking down at my cell phone or am in other awkward positions. Although most people believe that bad posture just causes physical discomfort, it can actually […]

Why You Should Improve Your Poor Posture