Can Improving Heart Health Help Lower the Risk Of Memory Loss?

heart health

Can Improved Heart Health Lower the Risk of Memory Loss?

As we grow older and our memories begin to cloud, we would all like to hold on to those important moments. Memory loss and dementia are on the rise in the United States and affect somewhere around 40% of our elderly population. According to recent studies, changing heart health habits for the better might lower the risk of developing memory loss. Today, we will go over the findings of the research and how better heart health can lower the risk.

A Link Between Heart Health And Memory?

The findings published studied over 6,000 people for 8 years. The findings from the study identified individuals based on how well they matched optimal levels set for different cardiovascular health measures. The measures of the study consisted of:

  • never having smoked or having quit for at least 12 months
  • regular physical activity, such as walking at least 8 hours per week or 4 hours per week or more of moderate-intensity sport or leisure activity
  • at least one daily portion of raw vegetables, fresh fruits, and cooked fruits or vegetables, and two or more servings per week of fish
  • a body mass index (BMI) under 25
  • total cholesterol under 200 milligrams per deciliter, untreated
  • blood pressure below 120/80 millimeters of mercury, untreated
  • fasting blood glucose under 100 milligrams per deciliter, untreated

Improving Heart Health

With these findings, researchers concluded that increased cardiovascular health might help prevent risk factors associated with memory decline and dementia. Furthermore, those who would like to avoid the risk of dementia might look into improving cardiovascular health. Improving cardiovascular health reduces heart disease risk, stabilizes plaques in the arteries, and reverses the progression of artery disease.

Improving heart health doesn’t take much at all, and you can start with a 30-minute walk. Doing this every few days can help your health a lot. Another way to improve heart health is doing a few lifts throughout the day, whether that’s push-ups or even getting a gym membership. Improving your eating lifestyle by throwing in fruit and vegetables in your daily meals can also help improve your heart health. Lowering your weight increases the ability of blood to flow through your body, which, again, improves your heart health. Who wouldn’t want to lose a few pounds? Cut back on sweets and red meat, and instead, try nuts and more fish in your diet. Please visit WebMD for heart health tips, and schedule a visit to your local physician to create a plan for yourself.

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