New Year Resolutions: Preparing For The New Year, New You

With the new year & decade only a few days away, you might be contemplating setting a New Year Resolutions for yourself. Resolutions are tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere. People choose to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. We have all set one in the past, but have no clue about the origin of the tradition nor do we have an understanding of why they are important. With an understanding of both sides of the coin, you can not only set yourself up for a change but also to better fulfill what that change might be.

What Are New Year Resolutions

Resolutions are not limited to any particular idea. Most would say that its a promise to develop a positive habit or to get rid of a bad one. The origin of resolutions stems from the Mythological god Janus of Rome. Janus had a head facing forward and one looking back, representing him looking back on the past and forward into the future. They believed that Janus on December 31st looked back on the old year and forward into the new, becoming a symbolic time for Romans to make resolutions. Since then people around the world have taken on the tradition of changing from the past and looking towards the future.

Don’t Give Up On Your Resolution

Usually, by February, many people have already failed to have their resolution stick. Whether it is life getting in the way, too much too fast, or multiple reasons people tend to fail at continuing forward in their promise. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try it! Get started before the new year a week in advance to help your outcome. You may not see results immediately, but you just got to keep on trucking. You should make your goals following the S.M.A.R.T. guide.

Being SMART With your Goals

Specific – Clearly define the direction you are going to take. Your goals should be clear and without any ambiguity. Avoid making them vague.

Measurable – Identify exactly what changes you will see when you reach your goal.

Attainable –Write goals that are attainable and ground them in reality.

Relevant –Make resolutions that are relevant to your lifestyle.

Time-Bound –  Link your goals to a timeframe. Having a deadline creates a sense of urgency that inspires action.

Setting new years resolutions not only benefits you in the long run but has major health benefits as well. The feeling of making yourself better and changing habits to grow can not be replaced. 

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