The Top Three Unhealthiest Habits Among Adults and How to Break Them

Like it or not, we all have bad habits. Whether it’s eating unhealthy foods, smoking, shopping too much, or even being a couch potato, most of us fall into these bad habits easily. It’s hard to break some of these practices, and you might be a person who struggles with trying to stop. So, I come to you today with a list of the most common bad habits and ways that can help you give up whatever is holding you down.

Eating Too Much Fast-Food

A common habit among people is the tendency to over-eat fast food. Let’s face it, a cheeseburger every once in awhile is good, but to have one every day is another story. Trans fat, which can be found in fast food, raises cholesterol and blood fats that contribute to the hardening of your arteries. It can also cause inflammation, which builds up fatty plaques in arterial walls. It may seem hard at first, but the health benefits of switching over to a less fast food diet are very beneficial. Eating a diet full of vegetables and fruits as part of a healthy diet may reduce the risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. Every week, try to cut back on your intake of fast-food. To help you avoid fast-food joints, try meal prepping. Buy your groceries for the week and plan your meals accordingly. When you do go to a fast-food restaurant, get foods with less grease and calories. Instead of a soda, ask for a water; instead of fries and a burger, how about a salad?

Remaining in a Constant State of Unhappiness

Being unhappy for a long period of time can increase your blood pressure and blood sugar, lower immunity, slow digestion, gain weight, mess up your sleep, and make you feel downright mean. It’s important to keep yourself happy due to the fact that modern life can lead to chronic stress (which creates stress hormones) that have dangerous impacts your health. Some of the effects include an increased risk of being overweight and overeating high-fat, sugary foods; both of which can raise the chances of heart disease and diabetes.

Getting rid of the stress, anger, and sadness can bring a regained sense of joy. To help reduce any negative emotions, start each day in meditation. Also, try to get out more and participate in outdoor activities. Being outdoors among nature has been proven to alleviate symptoms of depression, improve one’s overall well-being, and lower the risk of mental health problems. While outside, consider going for a run or a hike. Working out can relieve stress, strengthen your body, and free your thoughts. Go on an adventure with friends, go to the mall, to see a movie, anything to get you outside. The biggest issue with feeling unhappy is not talking to someone about it. Communicate with someone you trust about how you’re feeling so you don’t have to keep everything bottled up.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

A habit that might not seem too bad but actually is extremely detrimental to one’s health is not getting enough sleep. When you sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. Sleep deprivation is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Studies show that a good night’s sleep improves learning, sharpens your judgement, and keeps you from feeling miserably sluggish. As we get older, the amount of sleep we get begins to lower, but remember 8-9 hours a day is the right amount of sleep for any adult.

Try going to sleep earlier in order to get a full 8 hours. If you work later in the day, try to avoid naps, which could stop you from going to sleep. Have you tried a warm drink before you go to bed? What about cooling your room? There are a lot of small things you can do in order to help you get a better night’s sleep. Here are 15 science-backed ideas to help get you a better night’s sleep.

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