affordable care act 2017

Why You Need Non-Cancellable Riders on Your Disability Income Policy Non-cancellable riders are a must-have on a disability income policy. If the carrier allows this rider, then it’s definitely worth considering. Essentially, a non-cancellable rider ensures static rates. In other words, once the policy is in effect, the insurance company cannot […]

Non-Cancellable Riders on Disability Income Insurance

Long-term disability income insurance ranges in how long it will cover an individual. Someone can purchase this type of disability income insurance for as little as one year; however, it can cover someone until age 67. Ideally, a person should consider purchasing this type of insurance while they’re young because […]

What to Expect When Applying for Long-Term Disability Income Insurance

Business overhead is another type of disability income insurance that’s incredibly popular. This plan type is designed for those who own their own business. For instance, if a business owner becomes disabled, then they can insure their company continues to run smoothly without them. Many business owners get both a business overhead plan and a […]

Business Overhead Disability Income Insurance

It’s important to know the differences between job specific disability coverage and general disability income insurance. If you specialize in a certain field, you can get a disability plan for your own-occupation. Take for instance a veterinarian, who works exclusively with horses; they may want to take out a disability income plan […]

The Difference Between Own-Occupation and General Disability Income Insurance

Scheduled Benefit Accident Plans Accident plans vary, and typically fall into one of two major categories. The first type of accident plan uses a scheduled benefit system. This means that every medical expenditure, whether it’s a broken arm or a flu shot, has a set price. For instance, the insurer may […]

What You Need to Know about Accident Plans

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Whether you’re shopping for a qualified health plan, a short-term medical plan, accident plan, dental plan, etc., limitations and exclusions may apply. It’s important to understand the limitations with the plan you’re shopping for before purchasing it. Typically, the limitations and exclusions of health plans are standard across all insurance […]

Limitations and Exclusions on Health Plans

A PPO dental plan works just like your health plan, meaning you have in-network and out-of-network benefits. With a PPO dental plan, you must determine the benefit amount during the application process. You can buy a plan with a benefit of $750, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, or $2,500. This is the maximum annual […]

4 Types of Dental Plans: the PPO Dental Plan

Have you ever heard of a plan having first-dollar benefits, no deductibles, and no rate increases? These three descriptors are the basis of fixed indemnity plans. Moreover, fixed indemnity plans operate on a set schedule. To explain, they only pay so much for you to see the doctor, visit a hospital, […]

Fixed Indemnity Plans

Penalty Exemption #1: Qualified Health Plans According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), anybody who has a qualified health plan is exempt from paying the penalty. A qualified health plan can be one of the following: ACA (on/off-marketplace) Plan Group Health Plan Medicare Medicaid CHIPs V.A. Medi-Share Plans for Alaskan natives and […]

3 Ways to Avoid Paying the Penalty