Jadon Sennet

Pros of a Short Term Medical Plan Price and Enrollment The best part about short term insurance is the price. It is actually affordable; it is probably one fourth of what the premium would be on the Affordable Care Act. The prices are similar to the plans that used to be offered before the Affordable Care Act. Also, […]

The Pros and Cons of Having a Short Term Medical ...

Due to the massive destruction of Hurricane Harvey, South and Central Texas have been going through a rough patch. With the flood came water, animals, toxic chemicals, sewage, debris, and waste, which is causing the pollution of the standing water. Some people in the Texas area have been seen all over […]

Sewage and Bacteria in Harvey’s Floodwaters Raise Major Health Concerns

Simply put, insurance covers against the catastrophic – something that would basically devastate you financially. For example, back in 1997, I ended up with pneumonia; it turned into something extremely bad, and I spent ten days in intensive care. I spent about twenty-eight days in the hospital in total. All said and done the bill charged to the insurance company […]

Why Buy an ACA Health Plan Instead of Self-Insuring One’s Own Medical ...