
Woman putting on mouth guard to stop grinding teeth.
Teeth Grinding: A Worn Out Habit Anxiety and stress can manifest in the body physically, such as nail biting and sweaty hands, and in some cases, some truly painful and destructive nervous habits develop. One of these habits is bruxism, or the involuntarily clenching of the jaws and grinding of […]

Bruxism: When the Grind Doesn’t Stop

Learning to Cope with Change and Stress Stress and change are scary, especially with uncertainty. Change is particularly scary. Change is new, and we as humans don’t tend to like new things. We like to stay comfortable and in our own routine. However, change is just a part of life. […]

Learning to Cope with Change and Stress

Do weighted blankets really work? Weighted blankets are said to help reduce stress and make you feel more comfortable. Emily Schellen, A Marketing Specialist with Empower says “The weighted blanket seemed to provide a calming effect and helped me fall asleep faster. I typically just use mine for short naps, […]

Do weighted blankets really work?

Stress In America Survey
Stress In America Survey Stress In America: The American Psychological Association (APA) published its 13th annual Stress in America survey this week. Along with concerns like work and money, Americans feel the most stressed about the 2020 Presidential election, health care, and mass shootings. The APA survey ran from August […]

Guess What Causes Americans The Most Stress In 2019?

Is Dog Ownership Good For Your Mental Health? Yes! There are numerous studies done all across America that support dog ownership. There is even such a thing as an Emotional Support Animal.   For example, the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) states ” In a survey of pet owners, 74% […]

Is Dog Ownership good for your Mental Health?

In a report, published in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Journals Library, the researchers from the University of York provided significant evidence to prove that acupuncture is not simply a placebo effect. While many approach acupuncture with uncertainty and skepticism, there’s now substantial evidence to prove that it is not a sham. […]

Acupuncture: Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain and Depression

1. Physically Demanding Jobs A Harvard study published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that women with physically demanding jobs have a tougher time getting pregnant. Consisting of 500 women seeking fertility treatment, the results showed that those who do heavy lifting at work had 8.8% fewer total eggs and 14.1% […]

15 Factors That Negatively Affect Fertility