understanding aca/obamacare

Cars drive through a busy intersection in downtown Los Angeles.
Of all 332 million people living in the United States, 39 million live in California. So, about 12% of all Americans are also Californians, making the Golden State the most populous state in the country. This point has two punchlines: 1) if you’re one of the many residents of California— firstly, hi […]

Breaking Down Health Coverage in California

As the open enrollment season begins, people will look for health insurance plans that fit their needs. Many choose ACA for its broad coverage, including the ten essential benefits. These include doctor services, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drug coverage, pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services, and more. Although the […]

Short Term Plans: Is This A Good Alternative For You?

Short-term medical has undergone several changes this year. It used to be available for extended periods of time with the option of renewal every year. However, a new law, which went into effect April 1, 2017, restricted short-term medical plans to three-month coverage periods. In addition to the three-month period, the […]

Short-Term Medical Changes in 2017

Have you ever heard of a plan having first-dollar benefits, no deductibles, and no rate increases? These three descriptors are the basis of fixed indemnity plans. Moreover, fixed indemnity plans operate on a set schedule. To explain, they only pay so much for you to see the doctor, visit a hospital, […]

Fixed Indemnity Plans

Penalty Exemption #1: Qualified Health Plans According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), anybody who has a qualified health plan is exempt from paying the penalty. A qualified health plan can be one of the following: ACA (on/off-marketplace) Plan Group Health Plan Medicare Medicaid CHIPs V.A. Medi-Share Plans for Alaskan natives and […]

3 Ways to Avoid Paying the Penalty

High risk pools were actually around for about ten to fifteen years prior to the ACA. They were available in the majority of the states. But when President Obama’s healthcare law went into effect, high risk pools went away. However, as the new administration works on reforming the healthcare system, the idea […]

Terms Defined: High Risk Pools

The subject of H.S.A.s has popped up more recently in the news. Specifically, the new administration is talking more about H.S.A.s, which have been around for a long time. There’s nothing new about them. Over a decade ago, they were called M.S.A.s – medical savings accounts. Now, they’re H.S.A.s – health savings […]

Health Savings Accounts and How They Work

Since Obamacare insured millions and millions of individuals, reducing the uninsured rate to a record low, it, however, created a crisis. Even more so than the rising premiums and high deductibles, people are frustrated by the restrictive networks. Understandably, people want to see their doctors when they need to see […]

Telemedicine: Reshaping the Way We Receive Healthcare

The health insurance industry tends to cause a lot of confusion for individuals shopping for a health plan. The primary reason for this confusion is the excessive use of acronyms! Below is a comprehensive list of healthcare acronyms: A ACA: (Patient Protection and) Affordable Care Act ACO: Accountable Care Organization […]

Terms Defined: Commonly Used Acronyms in Health Insurance

health care
On Friday, February 17, 2017, the Trump administration released new ACA regulations– their first big step towards healthcare reform and potential repeal. Among some of the rules include short enrollment period, stricter requirements for SEPs, and more plan flexibility for the insurers. To read more on the rules and what […]

What People Are Saying About the New ACA Regulations