Monthly Archives: April 2020

At-home testing companies recently announced they will be launching “direct-to-consumer test kits” for the coronavirus. Unfortunately, it is easy for these companies to thrive on the public’s growing fear of the virus. These kits are advertised as a way for consumers to take the matter into their own hands and […]

Beware of At-Home COVID-19 Tests

On March 29, President Trump announced the extension of social distancing precautions through the end of April. This comes after two top doctors in Trump’s camp warned that up to 200,000 Americans could lose their lives to the virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci believes it is “entirely conceivable that if we […]

Extension of Social Distancing Through April

We have always believed our health has been at least somewhat affected by the weather. Most common are arthritis sufferers who can almost predict the weather based on their joints. While it is hard to ignore what our bodies have been able to tell us in the past, is there […]

Links Between Weather and Health

Winter Body
The continuing COVID-19 pandemic has shut down gyms all over the world. Many have frozen accounts and their personal trainers are left scrambling to keep their trainees on the right track. If you are someone who regularly works with a personal trainer at a gym, they may be sending you […]

The Best At-Home Workouts

Regardless of the weather, spring is officially upon us! Unfortunately, this means allergies are upon us as well. We all enjoyed the break from allergies this past winter. Now, with spring, comes the increase in pollen from trees, grass, and weeds. However, if you are set on avoiding spring allergies, […]

Avoiding Spring Allergies

How do you maintain personal space during a quarantine? That’s tricky especially when you’re stuck at home with your significant other for god knows how long. No able to go to work, not able to go out with friends, not really able to do much. That’s why your personal space […]

How to maintain your personal space during a quarantine

Keep your relationship goals on point Dating can be hard, and now dating during a quarantine just complicates things. It is possible to maintain your relationship, and even keep it moving forward in the coming months. If you’re already at the stage in your relationship where you live together read […]

dating during quarantine?

With orders pertaining to social distancing still in place due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many people have begun to fear the consequences. Social distancing might have severe health effects the longer it is drawn out, according to mental health experts. Although social distancing is needed for the time being showing […]

Social Distancing Might Have Severe Health Effects

coronavirus vs flu
Why Coronavirus is Not the Flu Have you heard that the Coronavirus is Not the Flu? We have comparison information from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the differences. The most frequent symptoms of the coronavirus are fever, dry cough, fatigue, […]

Why Coronavirus is Not the Flu