
Total enrollments through the ACA Exchange is up slightly according to an Early 2020 Effectuated Enrollment Report released by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 10.7 million Americans on the ACA Exchange paid premiums as of March 15 – an increase of a little over 100,000 from 10.6 million the […]

Enrollments For ACA Exchange Is Up

14 million eligible for Medicaid
14 million workers hit by the COVID-19 virus are eligible for subsidized healthcare from the marketplace or Medicaid, regardless of if they are planning to accept unemployment compensation. This is according to a report released by the Urban Institute, whose findings help us identify those in vulnerable job industries such as […]

14 million eligible for Medicaid or Marketplace insurance During COVID

We all know the internet is a dangerous place, but finding effective rehab on the internet is perhaps the worst. The death rate in the U.S. is more than triple what it was almost 20 years ago. This has greatly increased the need for quality addiction treatment. Although new treatment […]

Finding Effective Rehab

If Obamacare ACA is overturned
What Disappears If Obamacare (ACA) is Overturned? In July, three 5th Circuit judges in New Orleans heard arguments about whether Obamacare (ACA) is constitutional. The federal appeals court is expected to issue their ruling on the case – State of Texas v. USA – any day now. At issue is […]

What Disappears If Obamacare (ACA) is Overturned?

Study suggests link between blood pressure and dementia.
Obamacare exchange to offer more insurance choices, slightly lower premiums in 2020 Americans will have more choices and lower premiums in 2020 ACA open enrollment, according to Kaiser Health News. An additional 20 insurers will participate in the marketplace this year, expanding consumer choices. Nearly 70% of customers will have […]

More Choices, Lower Premiums In 2020 ACA Open Enrollment