A father spends time with his children outside. 9
Why are enrollees losing Medicaid coverage? In 2020, Congress established the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) to allow a continuous enrollment provision helping people with medical coverage during the pandemic. For three years, the federal government instructed states to maintain enrollment of nearly all Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance […]

Are You Losing Medicaid Coverage?

14 million eligible for Medicaid
14 million workers hit by the COVID-19 virus are eligible for subsidized healthcare from the marketplace or Medicaid, regardless of if they are planning to accept unemployment compensation. This is according to a report released by the Urban Institute, whose findings help us identify those in vulnerable job industries such as […]

14 million eligible for Medicaid or Marketplace insurance During COVID

Medicaid and CHIP Fact Sheet (MAC) Scorecard The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released this morning a scorecard for the Medicaid and CHIP program. This Scorecard (the first of its kind) will be the main element of a way to bring the Medicaid and CHIP program to the future. How will these […]

Medicaid and CHIP Fact Sheet (MAC) Scorecard

CHIP Receives New Funding Good news for those with CHIP. On Monday, the Senate passed a bill extending the funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for an additional six years. With having no funding for 114 days, this news will help millions of children from losing their coverage. Since both the […]

The Children’s Health Insurance Program Receives a 6-year Extension on ...

CHIP Funding Dilemma With only a few days left, it seems that CHIP will begin to lose funding before Congress resolves the issue. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), originally expected to last through March, may be coming to an abrupt stop. It was just announced today that at least 20 […]

Will Congress Resolve the CHIP Funding Dilemma?

Since federal funding for the CHIP program ceased on September 30, supporters have been trying to find solution’s to reauthorize funding. The Children’s Health Insurance Program gives the families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid a low-cost child health coverage option. In America, approximately 9 million children are enrolled […]

CHIP: Will CHIP Be Discontinued after 2017?

Penalty Exemption #1: Qualified Health Plans According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), anybody who has a qualified health plan is exempt from paying the penalty. A qualified health plan can be one of the following: ACA (on/off-marketplace) Plan Group Health Plan Medicare Medicaid CHIPs V.A. Medi-Share Plans for Alaskan natives and […]

3 Ways to Avoid Paying the Penalty