short term medical plans

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
It’s open enrollment season, and the first two deadlines have come and gone. The last deadline is two weeks away – January 31st! With that being said, what happens if you miss your ACA deadline? If your plan is not renewing, then you need to enroll in a plan ASAP to effectuate new coverage. […]

What Happens if You Miss Your Open Enrollment ACA Deadline?

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Obamacare Alternative Rodney Culp, CEO of Empower Brokerage, has been helping people find affordable health insurance for the past 32 years. In those 32 years, he’s never seen a time that was more tumultuous than this year. Because of rising premiums, evident during this Open Enrollment season, it’s important that […]

Short Term Medical Plans: The Obamacare Alternative