Jadon Sennet

Today, Jeff Hess, products specialist at Empower Brokerage, talks about the renewals that customers might be getting. The questions is how can clients improve their plans and what should they do for this open enrollment? Jeff has the answer! Watch the video below! Options for Open Enrollment as Told by Jeff Hess Well, we got options, which is a good thing. By now, […]

Plan Options for the ACA Season

ACA Rates Still waiting on the ACA rates? Well, while you wait, Jeff Hess, ACA Product Specialist at Empower Brokerage, is here to explain the holdup. Unfortunately, the way it works is the plans have all been filed. As a matter of fact, carriers know what the plans and their rates are, but […]

What Are the 2018 ACA Rates for This Open Enrollment ...

New Executive Credentials for Across State Sales Not long ago, President Trump released a statement which should have all insurance sellers at the edge of their seats. “I’ll probably be signing a very major executive order where people can go out across state lines, do lots of things, and buy […]

President Trump’s Executive Order Permitting Health Insurance Sales Across State ...

Breaking news! CMS has pushed back the Open Enrollment date. Jeff Hess, the individual health expert, explains why CMS has extended the enrollment deadline for the victims of the recent hurricanes. CMS SEP Extension for Hurricane Victims Due to the events of the recent hurricanes – Maria, Jose, and Harvey […]

CMS Special Enrollment Extension for Hurricane Victims

Every year, there are a few changes to the ACA marketplace. It’s important to stay on top of these changes so you know what to expect from the upcoming open enrollment. To help you stay informed, Jeff Hess, our in-house ACA expert, explains some of the potential changes in the […]

Changes to Expect for the Upcoming ACA Plan Year 2018