Cristin Dickey

About Cristin Dickey

Born in Maryland, raised in Texas, and educated in Utah, Cristin is a purveyor of stories from all widths and walks of life.  With a background in filmmaking and a staunch passion for literature, she aspires to give digital spaces a uniquely human touch.

Scientists alarmed by large amounts of carcinogen benzene in household sunscreens.  Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.
Cancer-Causing Sunscreen…? Valisure, an independent research laboratory based in Connecticut, just released a detailed report finding gratuitous amounts of benzene in many commonly available sunscreens.  Benzene is a flammable liquid used in producing things like rubber, plastic, pesticides, detergents, gasoline, and the like.  Because it evaporates quickly in oxygen, most people […]

Carcinogen Benzene Found in Common Sunscreens

Optogenetics, the study of genetic engineering utilizing properties of light, may hold the cure to degenerative eye diseases. Photo by Hasan Albari from Pexels.
The Illuminated Brain Many of the greatest minds in the world have been hard at work for generations pushing back against merciless chronic conditions.  Now, cures against cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, major depressive disorder, psychosis, and myriad more are closer to reality than ever before.  How?  The answer lies in optogenetics, […]

Breakthrough Optogenetics Test Helps Blind Patient “See” Using Algae Proteins

With the public school enrollment rate down, experts believe we're in the middle of a missing student crisis. Photo by bantersnaps on Unsplash.
School is back in session, but not for all… It’s been over a year since American public schools closed their doors to protect against the spreading of the coronavirus.  Now, school is back in session with varying degrees of in-person and virtual learning, but that doesn’t mean that every student […]

America’s Missing Student Crisis: School Systems Struggle to Locate Thousands ...

Having good intentions is rarely enough to overcome the value-action gap.  Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.
Mind the Value-Action Gap With the middle of the year approaching, it’s time we all take stock and evaluate our progress on the resolutions we made at the start of 2021.  If you’re like me, progress has been… slow coming.  Despite having strong convictions and clear, reasonable goals, even my […]

The Value-Action Gap: Why You’re Coming Short of Your Goals ...

America faces potential future outbreaks as the vaccination rate declines. Photo by Uriel Mont on Pexels.
The Crawl Back to Normal With the one-month anniversary of the day the vaccine became available for all American adults swiftly approaching, there has been a significant downward trend in the vaccination rate.  While experts say that the slowing vaccination rate was hardly unexpected, the numbers have declined enough to […]

Moving Forward: Tackling the Slowing Vaccination Rate

A decline in American births troubles demographers with worries of depopulation. Photo by Hollie Santos on Unsplash.
The Numbers Are In… It comes as no surprise that 2020 was a slow year for births in the United States.  With widespread financial instability, a skyrocketing rate of coronavirus cases, rampant employment, and general despondency over the state of things, it’s not difficult to imagine why prospective parents would […]

Startling Decline in Birthrate Puts America at Risk of Depopulation

US citizens struggle under the enormous burden of increasing medical debt.  Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.
Capital Capitol  It’s no secret that Americans have long been plagued by medical debt that they cannot afford.  A single trip to the doctor can end up costing hundreds or thousands of dollars even with insurance, and patients are frequently left without any form of aid or debt forgiveness.  What […]

Medical Debt Pushes Many Americans to the Brink of Survival

Cases of COVID-related PTSD are expected to rise as we journey closer to herd immunity. Photo by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash.
It’s Not Over Yet With a return to normalcy pending, people are itching to mark the pandemic’s end date on their calendars.  The Gallup, armed with data from the CDC and Johns Hopkins University, has estimated that herd immunity could be achieved as early as June.  However, eliminating a plague […]

COVID-19 and PTSD: Mental Health Outcomes at the Dawn of ...

Indulging in revenge procrastination can keep your body from functioning as it should.
A Brain Breakthrough Psychologists have recently coined a term for a startling new behavior in adult psychology: ‘revenge procrastination.’ If you can relate to the scenario below, you may struggle with revenge procrastination too! Emma is a single mom of two and a full-time teacher.  She wakes up early each […]

The Newest Psychological Trend: Revenge Procrastination

Ear health and hearing loss have massive impacts on overall quality of life. Photo by Jessica Flavia on Unsplash.
To Hear and Be Heard… Ahhh, youth.  Everything seems easier to the rosy-cheeked, limber-limbed, and unjaded.  The senses are sharp and clear.  The body feels and functions.  And if you’re fortunate enough to have access to the right care and resources, you can work to extend the senses of childhood […]

The ESSENTIAL Health Tip That You Haven’t Heard Before