Supplemental Insurance: United Health One Product Overview

With the marketplace experiencing skyrocketing premiums and rising deductibles, consumers are faced with considerable financial exposure. The best way to protect yourself against the increasing rates is with supplemental plans. A supplement plus a bronze-level qualified health plan provides comprehensive coverage at an affordable price. One health insurance company that provides some of the best supplements on the market is United Health One, which is a United Healthcare company. Though they’re no longer offering qualified health plans, they do still sell supplements, as well as a short-term medical plan for 90-day coverage periods. Also, they offer fixed indemnity plans.

Accident Supplement Plan

Supplement plans pair excellently with short-term plans and qualified health plans. One such supplement plan that United Health One offers is an accident plan. Their accident plan is much like an indemnity-style plan. In other words, if you get burned, you get a set amount of money. If you break a bone, you’ll get a specific dollar amount that will likely be different for different bones that you may break. This plan structure uses a scheduled benefit, which is different from other popular accident plans.

Vision and Dental Supplement Plans

United Health One also has a great stand-alone vision plan, which provides good coverage at a relatively low cost. In addition to a vision plan, they also have a PPO-style dental plan.

Hospital Indemnity Supplement Plan

Among their supplement products, United Health One offers a hospital indemnity. This means you pay X amount to see a doctor. Similarly, if you go to the hospital, it pays X amount for each day you’re in the hospital. This is a good product to have alongside a qualified health plan or short-term plan because it reduces your out-of-pocket exposure.


Lastly, United Health One has a critical illness plan, as well as a disability income plan, which is simplified issue.

United Healthcare is a household name. So if you’re interested in owning a health plan through one of the largest health insurers nationwide, then United Health One may be the right direction for you. They have supplements at a reasonable price that provide great benefits. Talk to your agent to see which plan best fits you and your needs.

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