Flossing: Is It Worth All the Hassle?

Believe it or not, the clinical studies people have quoted all your life about flossing may be biased.

In 2010, research found that 85% of dental industry-funded studies reported positive results from flossing regularly. On the other hand, only 50% of government-funded studies had favorable outcomes towards flossing. Then, to make matters more complicated, a study conducted in 2014 found that 97% of head-to-head randomized clinical trials favored the sponsor’s product. So whoever footed the bill got the thumbs up. Seems fishy!

According to the Cochrane Review, industry-funded studies usually compare floss’s effectiveness to other dental products. Ultimately, results boil down to whether floss works better than mouthwash, but no studies focus on the benefits of flossing versus not flossing. The studies that do exist, however, have too short of trial periods to be truly significant.

Are the benefits of flossing real?

Research Is Threadbare

Last year, the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services dropped flossing from the United States Dietary Guidelines. The government admitted that the scientific evidence to support the original proposal for floss was weak and held several loose variables. As such, they removed the recommendation.

One review article by Dutch researchers in 2008 concluded that the U.S. research was weak and unreliable, catching it long before dropping the guideline. Since all 12 of their trials only followed study participants for 1-3 months, the authors suggested that the few benefits could be a trial effect (trial effect means participants are more compliant within a clinical trial setting). Ultimately, the researchers found that regular flossing had no real impact on gingivitis or plaque.

Hopefully, future trials with air-tight experiment designs will investigate the long-term benefits– if any– of flossing. However, Tim Iafolla, a dentist at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, says tracking the long-term effects of flossing would not be cheap or easy.

Flossing Remains Dentist-Recommended

Because of the weak or non-existent evidence to support flossing, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services chose instead to focus more on the effects of sugars on dental health. However, though flossing dropped from the guidelines, it does not mean the committee deems flossing unimportant.

The spokesperson for the committee cautions that flossing remains a critical oral hygiene practice. Dentists still recommend flossing in addition to brushing teeth. After practicing dentistry for 32 years, Joan Otomo-Corgel, a periodontist with the American Academy of Periodontology, argues that flossing helps remove bacteria film that accumulates between the teeth and causes infections.

Another periodontist, Ivette Palata, also affirms the importance of flossing, especially when patients struggle with bad breath, bleeding, and inflammation, which may lead to gum disease. Shockingly, Palata says that nearly 40% of adults unknowingly have some form of gum disease– a disease connected to other systemic diseases. Studies link gum disease to kidney disease, diabetes, and heart disease. Turns out a good smile is good for health!

Bottom Line: Ask Your Dentist

Since the Affordable Care Act’s essential benefits do not include dental insurance, some may not see a dentist regularly. This oversight can be exceptionally bad for non-flossers because they may be more prone to gum disease. Some signs to look for are swelling, redness, tenderness, and bleeding in your gums. If any or all symptoms apply, then it is time to consider a trip to the dentist. If you are skeptical about how flossing could benefit you, asking your dentist will provide extra insight. They are obligated to keep up-to-date with current policies and health recommendations.

Since oral hygiene is important for overall health, ensure you see your dentist at least once a year! If you do not have dental insurance, contact us today! One of our agents will find you the best, most affordable dental plan.

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This article was updated 7/5/2024.

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