Emily Schellin

Consumer behavior has changed drastically, according to Capgemini and Efma’s World Insurance Report. The new “millennial mindset” has taken over and more consumers are trusting their own findings when it comes to researching insurance policies and actually making the purchase – all online. The report categorizes insurance customers into four […]

Changes in Consumer Behavior

Four states have taken the initiative and passed laws stating that businesses are immune from “civil liability” for COVID-related claims. One of the four states, North Carolina, provides immunity to many different “essential businesses,” such as grocery stores and restaurants. Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming, however, offer immunity to anyone and […]

Immunity from COVID-19 Claims

As with the rest of the market, Starbucks saw a major decrease in their stocks in mid-March amid the coronavirus pandemic. With 15,000 stores in the United States alone, Starbucks was forced to close their cafes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and they suffered along with many other businesses. The coffee […]

Starbucks Announces Major Transformation

If your company offers health benefits, the plan you chose last fall may not be best for you now, in light of all the hardships employers and employees have faced the last few months. Luckily, the IRS announced in May their plan to allow employees to “add, drop or alter […]

IRS Allows Benefits Changes

The act of planning is sometimes relaxing for people who enjoy organizing their schedules in advance, and what better plan to make than a vacation? Studies show that planning a trip in advance can boost your view of your social situation, economic means, and general well-being. While it is unlikely […]

Boost Mental Health with Vacation Planning

If you are looking for a fun way to exercise, look no further than cycling. But don’t be fooled by those bike rides you took with friends as a kid; true cycling takes stamina and the ability to persevere. If you ride properly, cycling can whip you into shape in […]

Tips for Beginner Cyclists

Did you know that regular manicures, done by a professional or by yourself at home, lower the chance of your nails developing fungi and other infections? Our hands are exposed to a lot of elements and products every day, so it is important to have a deep cleaning so the […]

First Salon Appointment Post-Quarantine

Healthcare workers need personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to stay safe on the job – now more than ever. Unfortunately, though, the materials used to make these in-demand items may actually be absorbing and carrying the virus that doctors, nurses, and patients are trying to avoid. Now that COVID-19 […]

New Material Wards off Blood, Bacteria, and Viruses

The travel industry has taken a negative turn due to COVID-19, and many travelers found out the hard way that they were not only risking their health but their money too. However, even without the current pandemic, travelers need to make sure they are reading the fine print on their […]

Travel Insurance Coverage