Monthly Archives: June 2020

Free radicals antioxidants disease
Free Radicals, Antioxidants, and Disease Free Radicals are associated with human diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and many others. They also may have a link to aging, which has been described as a “gradual accumulation of free-radical damage.” Substances that generate free radicals can be […]

Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Disease

As the current US population continues to increase, through modern medicine our life expectancy has increased. Most notably these numbers seem to be increasingly true based on where you live, according to an analysis from Samuel Preston of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the nation’s leading demographers. Are we […]

Life Expectancy Might Increase or Decrease Based on Geographic Area

The IRS announced last month that it is allowing employees to change their healthcare benefits mid-year, compared to waiting until the open enrollment season. These new guidelines allow employees to change health plans while signing up for a plan that they might have previously waived. The guidelines also allow alterations […]

Americans Able To Change Health Benefits According to New IRS ...

If your company offers health benefits, the plan you chose last fall may not be best for you now, in light of all the hardships employers and employees have faced the last few months. Luckily, the IRS announced in May their plan to allow employees to “add, drop or alter […]

IRS Allows Benefits Changes

How To Improve Vitamin Deficiency For Women Women tend to lack specific, yet extremely common minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin D deficiency from inadequate sunlight exposure or Calcium loss during the natural aging process. Vitamin deficiency is especially true for women during pregnancy, or if they have dietary restrictions […]

How To Improve Vitamin Deficiency For Women

The act of planning is sometimes relaxing for people who enjoy organizing their schedules in advance, and what better plan to make than a vacation? Studies show that planning a trip in advance can boost your view of your social situation, economic means, and general well-being. While it is unlikely […]

Boost Mental Health with Vacation Planning

If you are looking for a fun way to exercise, look no further than cycling. But don’t be fooled by those bike rides you took with friends as a kid; true cycling takes stamina and the ability to persevere. If you ride properly, cycling can whip you into shape in […]

Tips for Beginner Cyclists

Did you know that regular manicures, done by a professional or by yourself at home, lower the chance of your nails developing fungi and other infections? Our hands are exposed to a lot of elements and products every day, so it is important to have a deep cleaning so the […]

First Salon Appointment Post-Quarantine

Apple Watch Series 5 and its new ECG Apple Watch Series 5 watch has a new feature built-in. It’s an ECG, while it is only an ECG that is similar to a single-lead electrocardiogram. A single-lead electrocardiogram is generally used for checking for basic heart monitoring, checking for various arrhythmia, […]

Apple Watch Series 5 and its new ECG