Yearly Archives: 2020

A new “smart” contact lens is in the developing stages in hopes that it will help diabetics be able to monitor glucose levels through the liquid in their eyes. Wireless and remotely operated, glucose levels can be monitored without diabetics having to constantly think about it throughout the day. This […]

“Smart” Contacts for Diabetes

Where I plan to go after the Global Pandemic All we see these days are negative stories or articles on the Coronavirus Global Pandemic and the current state of our economy. So I’ve decided to plan my post-pandemic vacation because we all need one of those after all. Especially after […]

Where I plan to go after the global pandemic

Tired of all the video chats? With COVID-19 continuing to run rampant most meetings, group gatherings, and social activities have been replaced with meeting online through video chats. Although this has worked out as a temporary fix to keep us out of harm’s way, have you thought about the implications […]

Video Chats Are Affecting Your Health. Here’s How.

We already know that dogs were born to work, from assisting hunters to catching criminals, but perhaps their greatest claim to fame is that nose! For years dogs have been trained to sniff out cancer and Parkinson’s disease (among many other things), so it is only natural they would lead […]

Dogs Sniff Out COVID-19

While everyone has been busy at home trying to avoid a state of endless boredom, the environment has seen some positive changes. A newly published COVID-19 Air Quality Report shows that air pollution is hitting record lows in some of the more notoriously polluted cities in the world. The report […]

Air Pollution Levels Have Dropped

Learning to Cope with Change and Stress Stress and change are scary, especially with uncertainty. Change is particularly scary. Change is new, and we as humans don’t tend to like new things. We like to stay comfortable and in our own routine. However, change is just a part of life. […]

Learning to Cope with Change and Stress

SSA offices closed
Social Security (SSA) Close In-Person Service As of March 17, Social Security (SSA) made the decision to close all in-person service due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision came in an effort to protect the population the Social Security offices serve. Older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions are […]

Social Security Close In-Person Service

The effects of bullying on teenagers and adolescents Before we can get into this topic, we first need to define “bullying.” The American Psychological Association defines bullying as “a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort.” Bullying can take the form of […]

The effects of bullying on teenagers and adolescents