
In recent years, the cost of healthcare has risen astronomically. Americans are having to deal with high and unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. Consequently, this past June, Congress found some common ground and decided it’s time to deal with the issue at hand. “Obviously, we will continue to have significant disagreements on…Obamacare. […]

Can Congress Manage to Lower the Cost of Healthcare?

How Can Blockchain Usage in Modern Day Healthcare Help? Blockchain has slowly entered into the healthcare world, with at least 16% of health executives planning on incorporating blockchain’s technology. Many expect this technology to help reduce the cost of health facilities, provide better access to medical records, and also bring down the […]

How Can Blockchain Usage in Modern Day Healthcare Help?

social security
With our population getting older and sicker, many are wondering what might become of Social Security in a few years. What will our Social Security program look like for future generations? What Is Social Security? The United States’ Social Security program provides monetary assistance to people with inadequate income or […]

What Will Social Security Look Like for Future Generations?