insurance and government

Over a decade ago, in 2010, former President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The main purpose of ACA health coverage was to create a form of federal health insurance that was more affordable to more people, further expand Medicaid to citizens, and assist with the innovation of health […]

ACA Health Coverage Compared to Other Nations

Cars drive through a busy intersection in downtown Los Angeles.
Of all 332 million people living in the United States, 39 million live in California. So, about 12% of all Americans are also Californians, making the Golden State the most populous state in the country. This point has two punchlines: 1) if you’re one of the many residents of California— firstly, hi […]

Breaking Down Health Coverage in California

In recent years, the cost of healthcare has risen astronomically. Americans are having to deal with high and unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. Consequently, this past June, Congress found some common ground and decided it’s time to deal with the issue at hand. “Obviously, we will continue to have significant disagreements on…Obamacare. […]

Can Congress Manage to Lower the Cost of Healthcare?

cigna merger
Cigna Healthspring & Express Script Merger It looks like Aetna & CVS aren’t the only ones who will be making big changes coming up in 2019. As of December 18th, 2018 Cigna & Express Scripts received the approval to complete their merger. Express Scripts one of the largest pharmacy-benefits-manager combining […]

Merger Between Cigna & Express Scripts Approved

ACA Lawsuit Might Jeopardize Millions of Americans Access to Health Care Thursday, June 14, the Justice Department filed a brief, arguing that the Affordable Care Acts protection for preexisting conditions should be invalidated. This would leave those with preexisting conditions who originally would be accepted by any insurer left to fend for themselves. […]

ACA Lawsuit Might Jeopardize Millions of Americans Access to Health ...