insurance and finances

Most millennials don’t go to the doctor but, according to a new survey, recent market upheavals have actually pushed them to go in for checkups or medical procedures. When it comes to health insurance, millennials are either entering their last year on their parents plan or have exited a while […]

Millennials & Healthcare: Finding The Right Insurance Plan For You

In recent years, the cost of healthcare has risen astronomically. Americans are having to deal with high and unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. Consequently, this past June, Congress found some common ground and decided it’s time to deal with the issue at hand. “Obviously, we will continue to have significant disagreements on…Obamacare. […]

Can Congress Manage to Lower the Cost of Healthcare?

changes in health plans
With the 2019-2020 Annual Enrollment Period closing in, you should be hearing from your insurance agent. With this call, you might hear good news regarding your plan–lower prices or even more benefits. This call might also inform you of rising prices or even the opt-out of your favorite primary care […]

Changing Health Plans? Ask THESE Questions To Your Agent During ...