insurance industry changes

This fall, significant changes will be introduced to short-term, limited-duration insurance (STLDI) plans, impacting how they are offered and utilized across the United States. Effective  September 1, 2024, these adjustments will redefine the scope and function of short-term health plans, aligning them more closely with consumer protection standards. The government’s changes seek […]

Short Term Plan Changes Coming in September

changes in health plans
With the 2019-2020 Annual Enrollment Period closing in, you should be hearing from your insurance agent. With this call, you might hear good news regarding your plan–lower prices or even more benefits. This call might also inform you of rising prices or even the opt-out of your favorite primary care […]

Changing Health Plans? Ask THESE Questions To Your Agent During ...

Humana Studio H: Humana’s New Digital Health and Analytics Service Humana is stepping up the competition, as it announced new designs to advance its capabilities in the areas of technology, digital health, and analytics in support of its integrated care. With this new support emerging from the company, consumers can […]

Humana Studio H: Humana’s New Digital Health and Analytics Service

oscar health
Oscar Health Plans to Expand Despite Changes in Healthcare It looks like nothing is stopping Oscar Health from trying to expand its reach. Mario Schlosser, CEO and Co-Founder of Oscar Health, announced that Oscar will offer consumer-focused, technology-driven health insurance in nine states and 14 markets in 2019. Because this expansion […]

Oscar Health Plans to Expand Despite Changes in Healthcare

Will Anthem’s Merger with Aspire Give Them a Competitive Edge? It seems Anthem is planning to expand its reach, with confirmed talks of purchasing Aspire Health. Anthem hopes to purchase Aspire Health in order to keep up with the competition. With many healthcare providers merging with companies to gain a […]

Will Anthem’s Merger with Aspire Give Them a Competitive Edge?

work requirements
Work Requirements and How They Can Impact Medicaid Beneficiaries With new Medicaid work requirements, it seems millions of beneficiaries can be affected. Ten states are looking to rewrite the eligibility standards for Medicaid. The signing of the executive order calls for work requirements for those receiving Medicaid; states, such as Kentucky […]

Work Requirements and How They Can Impact Medicaid Beneficiaries