Jadon Sennet

short-term plan
President Trump’s Executive Order to Extend Short-Term Plan Length Tuesday, President Trump’s administration proposed a way for Americans to receive short-term health plans that do not follow ACA protocol. As many know, the ACA holds short-term plans to meet certain requirements in order to be purchasable by citizens. What exactly was proposed by […]

President Trump’s Executive Order to Extend Short Term Plan length

What Is a Pre-Existing Condition? Today, Jeff Hess, the ACA product specialist at Empower Brokerage, is covering pre-existing conditions because some consumers are confused about what is considered a preexisting condition. Jeff explains some of the factors that categorize a condition as a pre-existing condition. For a comprehensive summary of pre-existing conditions, click here. Definition Pre-existing conditions all run on a basic scale across the board. Anything that has […]

What Is Considered a Pre-Existing Condition?

Fitbit Gains Strides in Healthcare Market As developers come together to solve healthcare needs, the tech world has abruptly entered the health insurance world. The healthcare industry has been rapidly evolving, especially since JP Morgan and Amazon merged and the advancements of Apple and Google. Other digital health systems are also trying […]

Fitbit Makes Strides in Healthcare with the Acquisition of Twine Health