Yearly Archives: 2017

With a new administration underway and Trump’s promise to repeal Obama’s signature healthcare law, many women have expressed their concern about no longer receiving affordable contraception, which is included in ACA’s essential benefits. Even before the 2016 presidential campaign and election raised questions and concerns about healthcare, Google Trends consistently had “birth […]

Top 5 Innovative Products for Women’s Health

Published February 1 in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, a new study reveals that many grease-resistant fast-food wrappers contain potentially harmful fluorinated chemicals that can leach into food, having significant long-term health effects. What are Fluorinated Chemicals Fluorinated chemicals, as a class, are referred to as per– and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). Many products, […]

Fast-Food Packaging May Be Poisoning You

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
What are Short-Term Medical Plans? Short-term medical plans are nothing new. They’ve been around for decades, helping provide coverage when people are between jobs or recently graduated. As the name suggests, short-term plans bridge coverage gaps for a limited time, usually six months or less. However, since the enactment of […]

Short-Term Medical Plan May Soar Under Trump’s Healthcare Initiatives

In a report, published in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Journals Library, the researchers from the University of York provided significant evidence to prove that acupuncture is not simply a placebo effect. While many approach acupuncture with uncertainty and skepticism, there’s now substantial evidence to prove that it is not a sham. […]

Acupuncture: Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain and Depression

health care
Once the key phrase of Trump’s presidential campaign, the mantra “repeal and replace” has now become the primary focus of the Trump administration. However, the GOP has yet to decide on a replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act. Instead, some are suggesting repairing the healthcare law by shrinking the services insurers are required […]

Obama’s 10 Essential Benefits May Change Under Trump

Published in the journal Epidemiology, a study concludes that a gluten-free diet may actually pose serious health risks. According to study co-author Maria Argos, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), and her colleagues found that those who go gluten-free may increase exposure to arsenic and […]

Gluten-Free Diet May Expose You to Toxic Metals

Do you know what today is? March 1st, interestingly enough, is National Pig Day. In recognition of such an unusual day, let’s acknowledge some of the progress made within the scientific community that’s oddly fitting for such a day. This year, scientists made significant progress towards creating a human-pig hybrid. […]

Research’s First Big Step Towards Human-Pig Hybrids

Based off data from a national sleep survey, conducted by SleepScore, Americans had a visceral reaction to the 2016 election. Across all America, people experienced a drastic spike in stress levels, as well as a significant drop in sleep time. However, America’s reaction to the election is only a glimpse at a very […]

Wake Up America! You Need Your Sleep!

Since Obamacare insured millions and millions of individuals, reducing the uninsured rate to a record low, it, however, created a crisis. Even more so than the rising premiums and high deductibles, people are frustrated by the restrictive networks. Understandably, people want to see their doctors when they need to see […]

Telemedicine: Reshaping the Way We Receive Healthcare