insurance and finances

insurance cost
With health insurance prices continually rising, many are looking for ways to cut costs while maintaining robust coverage. Today we’ll go over a few ways you can lower your bills.  Increasing Deductible Spent There are a few different ways to save you a couple of bucks when it comes to […]

Lowering Insurance Prices: Tips on Saving Money Month-to-Month

american budget
The President Trump Administration Releases 2019 American Budget We were all waiting to see the healthcare budget, and on Monday night, President Trump presented it. Including another try to repeal Obamacare, the budget also notably cut spending in half. There were also major cuts proposed for items, such as food […]

The President Trump Administration Releases 2019 American Budget

A good amount of Americans have at least some knowledge of how health insurance bills work. Baby boomers are able to make their own decisions on health care and have experience from previous situations to help make the best decision. Although they have experience, only about 40% of boomers understand insurance […]

A Brief Overview in Understanding Health Insurance Bills

Simply put, insurance covers against the catastrophic – something that would basically devastate you financially. For example, back in 1997, I ended up with pneumonia; it turned into something extremely bad, and I spent ten days in intensive care. I spent about twenty-eight days in the hospital in total. All said and done the bill charged to the insurance company […]

Why Buy an ACA Health Plan Instead of Self-Insuring One’s Own Medical ...