advancements in medicine

It’s well known that technology has completely changed our world. Fifty years ago, would anyone have been able to imagine virtual doctor’s office appointments? It’s amazing that we have reached that point in time. This concept is referred to as telehealth. Telehealth provides a way to make healthcare easier for […]

Telehealth: Should You Consider It?

cbd oil
Have you heard of CBD, the naturally-occurring cannabinoid that’s taking over the health market? The U.S. market predicts these CBD products will be worth $2.1 billion by 2020. Cannabidiol (CBD) has health benefits, as well as some risks users should be aware of. With CBD recently being removed from the […]

The Benefits and Risks of Using CBD Oil 

Healthcare is evolving at an enormous rate. From the integration of AI technology to personalized medicine, the market will certainly boom over the next few years. As technology grows and becomes cheaper, accessibility is sure to follow. With the exponential growth in technology, what can we look forward to? What […]

Developments in Healthcare That We Can Look Forward To

personalized medicine
                    With the growing ability to access new types of healthcare tools through technological advances, healthcare tech isn’t slowing down. Israel seems to be leading the world in terms of Personalized Medicine. In short, Israel is beginning the development of direct-to-consumer […]

Personalized Medicine and Its Scientific Front Runner

  AI, telehealth services, and cloud access have begun to integrate into our current healthcare system. With companies like Amazon who believe eliminating the middleman is one solution to system-wide issues, or companies like Walmart who want to provide local access and cheaper prescriptions, everyone has an opinion on how […]

Cloud Services and How They Can Help Improve Our Healthcare

How Can Apple Make Health Records More Accessible? In recent months, Apple, the major tech company, has announced it’s entering into the healthcare world. What would they provide? Promises of easier access to medical records for partnering healthcare networks patients which is a big deal. Only a few months later, […]

How Can Apple Make Health Records More Accessible?

There’s no denying that healthcare costs are high and continually growing. The average an American citizen spends around $10,345 on healthcare. According to a government study, about 5% of the population accounts for nearly half the spending in a given year. For the most part, the sick and disabled make up […]

The Three Reasons Why Healthcare Costs Are So High

Do you know what today is? March 1st, interestingly enough, is National Pig Day. In recognition of such an unusual day, let’s acknowledge some of the progress made within the scientific community that’s oddly fitting for such a day. This year, scientists made significant progress towards creating a human-pig hybrid. […]

Research’s First Big Step Towards Human-Pig Hybrids