mental health

In a report, published in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Journals Library, the researchers from the University of York provided significant evidence to prove that acupuncture is not simply a placebo effect. While many approach acupuncture with uncertainty and skepticism, there’s now substantial evidence to prove that it is not a sham. […]

Acupuncture: Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain and Depression

Based off data from a national sleep survey, conducted by SleepScore, Americans had a visceral reaction to the 2016 election. Across all America, people experienced a drastic spike in stress levels, as well as a significant drop in sleep time. However, America’s reaction to the election is only a glimpse at a very […]

Wake Up America! You Need Your Sleep!

Just Like the Common Flu Everyone is susceptible to getting the flu or tripping and breaking a bone. Viruses spread and accidents happen. Similarly, everyone is susceptible to mental disorders. In fact, scientists now believe that people who go their whole life, or even half of their life, without experiencing […]

If You’ve Never Had a Mental Health Problem, Then Chances ...