living long

life expectancy
It may come as a surprise, but life expectancy in America is on the decline—despite the staggering amounts we spend on healthcare. So, what’s behind this troubling trend? What are other high-longevity countries doing differently? And most importantly, what steps can we take to add more healthy years to our […]

Life Expectancy in the United States Compared to Other Countries

Based off data from a national sleep survey, conducted by SleepScore, Americans had a visceral reaction to the 2016 election. Across all America, people experienced a drastic spike in stress levels, as well as a significant drop in sleep time. However, America’s reaction to the election is only a glimpse at a very […]

Wake Up America! You Need Your Sleep!

Health Benefits of Houseplants Provide Moisture to the Air and Eliminate Toxins Several studies conducted by organizations and universities around the world highlight the healing properties of houseplants. For instance, the Agricultural University of Norway discovered that houseplants decrease incidences of head colds and influenza. Additionally, houseplants decrease the number of sore […]

Create a Healthy Home this New Year with Houseplants