
How Can Blockchain Usage in Modern Day Healthcare Help? Blockchain has slowly entered into the healthcare world, with at least 16% of health executives planning on incorporating blockchain’s technology. Many expect this technology to help reduce the cost of health facilities, provide better access to medical records, and also bring down the […]

How Can Blockchain Usage in Modern Day Healthcare Help?

health records
Trump Administration Plans to Tackle Health Records Access This week, the Trump administration announced a new effort to overcome problems with electronic medical records. Jared Kushner, senior advisor to President Trump, stated Tuesday, “The president is determined to make interoperability a reality for all Americans.” With companies such as Apple and […]

Trump Administration Plans to Tackle Health Records Access

uber health
Uber Health: Getting to Your Doctor Appointments Just Got Easier! Ready for more tycoons to enter the healthcare service? Uber, the peer-to-peer ride-sharing company, has recently announced the launch of its Uber Health business line. Uber Health plans to partner with healthcare providers, letting clinics, hospitals, rehab centers, etc. easily assign […]

Uber Health: Getting to Your Doctor Appointments Just Got Easier!

There’s no denying that healthcare costs are high and continually growing. The average an American citizen spends around $10,345 on healthcare. According to a government study, about 5% of the population accounts for nearly half the spending in a given year. For the most part, the sick and disabled make up […]

The Three Reasons Why Healthcare Costs Are So High