health insurance carriers

Due to the unstable market, health insurance companies are either exiting the market or raising rates. With health insurance becoming increasingly unaffordable, consumers are paying the ultimate price – literally. To help stem the rising costs, consumers should turn to supplemental plans to help cover their out-of-pocket exposure. Instead of […]

Supplemental Insurance: United Commercial Travelers (UCT) Product Overview

One of the best ways to make health insurance affordable nowadays is with a supplemental plan, paired with a bronze-qualified health plan. Rates for health insurance are steadily increasing. Monthly premiums are skyrocketing, and deductibles are increasingly becoming unaffordable. However, with a bronze plan, the monthly premiums are less; then […]

Supplemental Insurance: National General Product Overview

Aetna Leaving the Marketplace Health insurance giant Aetna said Wednesday that it will not be participating in any Obamacare exchanges in 2018. T.J. Crawford, Aetna spokesman, says that their products on the individual market “lost nearly $700 million between 2014 and 2016.” He projects the company to “lose more than $200 million in […]

Aetna and Humana Exiting the Obamacare Exchanges

GET A MOLINA HEALTHCARE QUOTEMolina Healthcare is heavily involved in the individual medical market. After the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 and began rolling out in 2014, Molina has since been providing health insurance. They’re in several states, selling on exchange only through either or their broker portal. For […]

Top Health Insurance Carriers: Molina Healthcare

Aetna is one of the largest health insurance companies in the nation. They offer a broad product portfolio, including senior products like Medicare, group insurance for both small and large companies, ancillary products, international products, as well as under 65 health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. In regards to the latter, Aetna provides insurance […]

Top Health Insurance Carriers: Aetna

Shannon Culp, COO of Empower Brokerage, sat down with Rita Ratcliff, a licensed agent who’s been in the insurance industry for more than 20 years. For Rita, the number one questions her customers ask is: “Why can’t I buy health insurance that’s affordable, accepted by doctors and hospitals, and is […]

Reasons to Consider Short Term Medical Plans

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Pay the Premium to Effectuate Your Policy In 2014 and 2015, it was generally acceptable to get a plan and not pay the first month’s premium for up to three months. Even though the payment was deferred, people would still have coverage for those first three months. However, carriers ended […]

Pay Your Premium in Order to Effectuate Your Health Insurance ...

It’s the new year. The holidays are over, but open enrollment isn’t. It’s crunch time now. The first deadline has come and gone, but there’s two deadlines left. Don’t procrastinate! Enroll in a qualified health plan now before it’s too late! Final OEP Deadlines Are Around the Corner The next […]

The Second Open Enrollment Deadline

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
This year has seen several carriers dropping out of the marketplace or choosing not to offer qualified, Obamacare plans. As a result, many people have lost coverage. United Healthcare, for instance, chose not to renew several clients. Additionally, both Aetna and Cigna have not renewed much of their client base. […]

ATTENTION: Carriers Are Not Renewing Clients!