Food and Drug Administration

Studies show that cutting back on salt reduces your risk of stroke, heart attack, and more. Photo by mkupiec on Pixabay.
This article is part of a series on American sodium consumption. This is part 2! Read part 1 here. Pass the salt, or pass ON the salt? Why is cutting sodium so important? According to the American Heart Association, it could prevent a projected “450,000 cases of cardiovascular disease and […]

You Should Be Cutting Back on Salt! Here’s Why and ...

cbd oil
Have you heard of CBD, the naturally-occurring cannabinoid that’s taking over the health market? The U.S. market predicts these CBD products will be worth $2.1 billion by 2020. Cannabidiol (CBD) has health benefits, as well as some risks users should be aware of. With CBD recently being removed from the […]

The Benefits and Risks of Using CBD Oil