Yearly Archives: 2017

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
How to Get Coverage After Open Enrollment Special Enrollment Period – Qualified Coverage If you’re like a lot of Americans, you didn’t apply for coverage in time. Now you’re trying to figure out what to do in regards to health coverage. Since the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) ended January 31, there’s really only one […]

What to Do after Open Enrollment

In nearly every scientific study, any purported benefits associated with drinking specifically revolve around “moderate” consumption. For some body weights, moderate consumption equates to one glass, which is 5 ounces. Because wine glasses come in different shapes and sizes, judging when you’ve poured enough can be difficult. To help, the image below […]

Evidence Confirms the Health Benefits of Wine

New Study Linking Heart Health with Exercise According to new research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, exercise is the best way to protect your heart. Th study – conducted in the Netherlands, specifically Rotterdam – collected data from 5,344 individuals aged 55 to 97. Participants provided information on not only their […]

Not Exercising Is Just As Bad As Being Obese

Health trends are ever changing, but the ones that always gain the most attention are those promoted by famous celebrities. Not only are they strange, but most are outside of traditional medical science, which begs the question: Are they even safe and effective? According to the NCCIH (National Center for Complementary […]

The Truth Behind 6 Celebrity Health Trends

Nutritional recommendations and dietary fads are constantly changing. “There is widespread chaos in the world of nutrition,” says Andrew Freeman, the director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver. “It seems recommendations swing back and forth all the time.” In an attempt to prove which food […]

Which Food Fads Are Actually Worth Trying

South Korean Women May Live Longer than 90 on Average Imperial College London and the World Health Organization analyzed the average lifespans in 35 industrialized countries; their research was then published in The Lancet. Their analysis predicted that people would be living longer by 2030. Moreover, they conclude that the lifespan disparity between […]

US Projected to Have Low Life Expectancy Rate by 2030