Man confused my health plan open enrollment
Open enrollment is a designated period each year when individuals can enroll in, modify, or cancel their health insurance plans. This timeframe is crucial for securing or adjusting coverage for the upcoming year. Understanding the specifics of open enrollment is essential for making informed health insurance decisions. Purpose of Open […]

What Is Open Enrollment For A Health Plan?

Millions of Americans are currently staying indoors as stay-at-home orders across the nation continue. With most Americans receiving health coverage through their job or a family member’s job, how has COVID-19 affected those who risk losing their Employer-Sponsored Insurance (ESI) plans? From a previously released estimate from the U.S. Census […]

How COVID Has Affected Employer-Sponsored Plans

How does your state rank in the percentage of those uninsured? A new report by Families USA has given us an updated list of the highest uninsured rate by state population for 2020. These numbers have dramatically increased since the beginning of COVID-19. With close to 5.4 million Americans losing […]

Uninsured Rate By State Rankings

14 million eligible for Medicaid
14 million workers hit by the COVID-19 virus are eligible for subsidized healthcare from the marketplace or Medicaid, regardless of if they are planning to accept unemployment compensation. This is according to a report released by the Urban Institute, whose findings help us identify those in vulnerable job industries such as […]

14 million eligible for Medicaid or Marketplace insurance During COVID

David Russell, one of Empower Brokerage’s Regional Sales Directors, answers the question, “What is COBRA health insurance?” COBRA stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. What COBRA health insurance does is it gives workers and their families who lose health benefits the right to choose to continue their group […]

What Is COBRA Health Insurance?

Pros of a Short Term Medical Plan Price and Enrollment The best part about short term insurance is the price. It is actually affordable; it is probably one fourth of what the premium would be on the Affordable Care Act. The prices are similar to the plans that used to be offered before the Affordable Care Act. Also, […]

The Pros and Cons of Having a Short Term Medical ...