health insurance basics

Will Association Health Plans Be a New Alternative? Healthcare might experience an expansion in access to affordable health insurance, according to the Department of Labor (DOL). On the 4th of January, the DOL proposed a rule to expand the opportunity to offer employment-based health insurance to small businesses through Small Business […]

Will AHP Make Healthcare Cheaper?

A good amount of Americans have at least some knowledge of how health insurance bills work. Baby boomers are able to make their own decisions on health care and have experience from previous situations to help make the best decision. Although they have experience, only about 40% of boomers understand insurance […]

A Brief Overview in Understanding Health Insurance Bills

On December 20th, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The bill amends the IRC to reduce tax rates and modify policies, credits, and deductions for individuals and businesses. The bill includes reductions in corporate tax rates and a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual mandate. This is […]

Changes to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and How ...

Today, I’m here with Jeff Hess, Product Specialist at Empower Brokerage, and we’re going over questions for millennials. The younger generations don’t understand the insurance world or how it works. We thought it would be a great idea to clear up a little bit of those confusions. What do all our premiums pay into? Actually, your premiums are paid to the carriers that are insuring you. Basically, you’re paying […]

Healthcare Questions Many Millennials Have

ACA Rates Still waiting on the ACA rates? Well, while you wait, Jeff Hess, ACA Product Specialist at Empower Brokerage, is here to explain the holdup. Unfortunately, the way it works is the plans have all been filed. As a matter of fact, carriers know what the plans and their rates are, but […]

What Are the 2018 ACA Rates for This Open Enrollment ...