health insurance basics

As one of our most successful ACA health insurance agents, Empower Brokerage jumped at the chance to talk with Joseph Mwawasi, who visited our Southlake office September 19th. Having only been with Empower since 2015, Mwawasi has quickly gained attention with his knowledge of the insurance industry, evident by his […]

ACA Health Insurance Agent Spotlight: Joseph Mwawasi

Health insurance has a language of its own. Even words you know have a completely different meaning when in reference to health insurance. So to have a better understanding of this industry, it’s important to know the frequently used terminology. In the video below, Jeff Hess, individual, group, and ancillary health insurance […]

Terms Defined: Co-Payments, Co-Insurance, Deductibles, ETC.

The best approach to understanding the chaos and confusion of health insurance is to familiarize yourself with the terminology specific to the industry. In the video below, Jeff Hess, individual, group, and ancillary health expert, defines Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC) and cost-sharing reductions. Check it out! Advanced Premium Tax […]

Terms Defined: Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC) and Cost Sharing ...

If you’re looking to get health insurance, or even if you’re someone who’s had health insurance for years, there may be terms that you have heard but had no idea what they meant. For instance, have you ever wondered what on/off marketplace or on/off exchange means? Well, Jeff Hess, individual, […]

Terms Defined: On-Marketplace and Off-Marketplace

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Jeff Hess, individual, group, and ancillary health expert, mentioned previously in his video regarding Obamacare’s impact on group health that level-funded plans are a viable option for both small and large businesses. Take a look as he dives deeper and provides more details about this group health plan option! Regular Group […]

Group Health: What Are Level-Funded Plans?

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Previously, Jeff Hess – the individual, group, and ancillary expert here at Empower Brokerage – discussed the most significant way in which the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also referred to as Obamacare, has impacted Group Health. The number one way being higher deductibles and the removal of dependent coverage from […]

Obamacare and Its Impact on Group Health Plans, Part 2

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
As the leading expert on individual, group, and ancillary health insurance here at Empower Brokerage, Jeff Hess knows what he’s talking about, and we want to share his infinite knowledge with you! Check out the video below to learn how Obamacare has affected group health insurance. To start, group insurance is an […]

Obamacare and Its Impact on Group Health Plans, Part 1

And the Winners Are… Have you ever wondered why insurance policies are labeled bronze, silver, gold, or platinum? What do these designations mean? Am I about to win a trophy? Or…? Wonder no more. Jeff Hess, Empower Brokerage’s individual, group, and ancillary health expert, explains why insurances are labeled as different […]

Metal Plans: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum

Acronyms are everywhere in health insurance, and unless you know what they stand for, trying to understand insurance quickly turns into translating hieroglyphics. Take, for instance, the commonly used terms “HMO” and “PPO.” What do they mean? We consulted with Jeff Hess, Empower Brokerage’s Individual Health Insurance and ACA Specialist, to […]

Terms Defined: HMOs vs PPOs