emergency preparedness

Hurricane Florence Helpful Tips And Reminders For Storm Impact With Hurricane Florence potentially hitting a large size of America, those being affected must know the precautions and risks associated with hurricanes. Many life-threatening events can emerge from a hurricane, whether that is flash flooding, potential diseases in water, dangerous animals, […]

Hurricane Florence Helpful Tips And Reminders For Storm Impact

medicine cabinet
Picture this: you’re at home, and one of your friends accidentally cuts themselves. You go looking around your house for bandages and gauze, but you can’t find anything. You want to at least clean the wound, so you scurry around searching for hydrogen peroxide. Again, you can’t find anything. This […]

What You Need to Have in Your Medicine Cabinet

How Can Apple Make Health Records More Accessible? In recent months, Apple, the major tech company, has announced it’s entering into the healthcare world. What would they provide? Promises of easier access to medical records for partnering healthcare networks patients which is a big deal. Only a few months later, […]

How Can Apple Make Health Records More Accessible?