AI and Healthcare

Technology: Apple Improves Health Industry In the past few months, Apple has made many strides to help improve the health industry. From the creation of Apple Technology, the expansion of its R&D, and even easier access to your health records, Apple has continued its contributions in the health field. As Apple […]

Technology: Apple Improves Health Industry

  AI, telehealth services, and cloud access have begun to integrate into our current healthcare system. With companies like Amazon who believe eliminating the middleman is one solution to system-wide issues, or companies like Walmart who want to provide local access and cheaper prescriptions, everyone has an opinion on how […]

Cloud Services and How They Can Help Improve Our Healthcare

AI Integration into Healthcare in China Brings New Hope to Healthcare As we develop new resources in technology, some countries are turning to our advances for a cure to failing healthcare systems. From Amazon developing its own healthcare platform to Google creating an AI bot to preemptively scan for major […]

AI Integration into Healthcare in China Brings New Hope to ...

Artificial intelligence
Google Producing Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare What if you could provide accurate medical information and get more accurate diagnoses? This might be possible with Google developing a version of artificial intelligence that could predict the outcome of your hospital visit by simply entering more accurate information about yourself. This isn’t the […]

Are AI Bots the Future of Healthcare?