
Ear health and hearing loss have massive impacts on overall quality of life. Photo by Jessica Flavia on Unsplash.
To Hear and Be Heard… Ahhh, youth.  Everything seems easier to the rosy-cheeked, limber-limbed, and unjaded.  The senses are sharp and clear.  The body feels and functions.  And if you’re fortunate enough to have access to the right care and resources, you can work to extend the senses of childhood […]

The ESSENTIAL Health Tip That You Haven’t Heard Before

Tobacco Program Starting the journey to stop smoking can be completely overwhelming, especially without help. You may find help that is covered by your Medicare Part B insurance plan. Medicare offers a Tobacco Counseling Program that may help you stay on track and quit smoking for good. The Numbers Each […]

Quit Smoking with Help from Medicare

The Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA) allows employees to remain under their employer-sponsored health plan in the event that they leave the job or have reduced hours that do not let them qualify for the coverage. Employers with more than 50 full-time employees are required to offer health insurance and […]

COBRA Explained

Drug-gene testing may be the answer to getting patients DNA-compatible medications. Photo by the National Cancer Institute on Unsplash.
Understanding drugs and your DNA… Did you know that a DNA sample can tell you how you’ll respond to certain drugs?  A new and increasingly popular practice called pharmacogenomic testing, or drug-gene testing, makes it possible to sequence a patient’s DNA and determine which medications will work with their body… […]

Drug-Gene Testing: Is Your DNA the Future of Pharmaceuticals?

The recently approved American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is bringing some significant changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). From now until August 15, 2021, those eligible for ACA coverage will be able to switch their health care plans and save money in the process, thanks to the expanded […]

American Rescue Plan Provides Better ACA Coverage