
In 2014, when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into full effect, individuals had six months to enroll. Then, the following year, people only had three months; however, the government ended up extending the open enrollment deadline. That year, they also assisted people during the tax season who didn’t know or understand why they were […]

CMS Shortens OEP for The 2018 Insurance Plan Year

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Outside of the open enrollment period (OEP), the only way to get qualified coverage is with a special enrollment period (SEP) or through an employer. However, not many qualify for an SEP. So, those looking for health coverage without an SEP outside of OEP need to consider short-term medical plans. […]

Short-Term Medical Plans Now 3-Months with Non-Renewal

health care
The ultimate goal of ACA was to insure more Americans. If the insured rate is the measure of success, then Obamacare succeeded. At least 20 million more people now have health insurance than they did before the law. To improve the uninsured rate, the Obama administration wanted to make it easy for people […]

Trump Administration Announces New ACA Ruling

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Pay the Premium to Effectuate Your Policy In 2014 and 2015, it was generally acceptable to get a plan and not pay the first month’s premium for up to three months. Even though the payment was deferred, people would still have coverage for those first three months. However, carriers ended […]

Pay Your Premium in Order to Effectuate Your Health Insurance ...

It’s the new year. The holidays are over, but open enrollment isn’t. It’s crunch time now. The first deadline has come and gone, but there’s two deadlines left. Don’t procrastinate! Enroll in a qualified health plan now before it’s too late! Final OEP Deadlines Are Around the Corner The next […]

The Second Open Enrollment Deadline

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
The first Obamacare deadline is almost here! Watch the video below and put the open enrollment dates in your calendar! You don’t want to miss your deadline! Three Open Enrollment Deadlines The Affordable Care Act deadlines are based on the open enrollment time frame. Open enrollment is from November 1st […]

The First Open Enrollment Deadline Is Fast Approaching!

As one of our most successful ACA health insurance agents, Empower Brokerage jumped at the chance to talk with Joseph Mwawasi, who visited our Southlake office September 19th. Having only been with Empower since 2015, Mwawasi has quickly gained attention with his knowledge of the insurance industry, evident by his […]

ACA Health Insurance Agent Spotlight: Joseph Mwawasi