health industry changes

Fitbit Gains Strides in Healthcare Market As developers come together to solve healthcare needs, the tech world has abruptly entered the health insurance world. The healthcare industry has been rapidly evolving, especially since JP Morgan and Amazon merged and the advancements of Apple and Google. Other digital health systems are also trying […]

Fitbit Makes Strides in Healthcare with the Acquisition of Twine Health

funding bill
Government Re-Opens after Short Shutdown with a New Funding Bill Last week the looming government shutdown was stopped with a short-term bill. This is the second time in the last 2 months that a shutdown was a very real possibility. The bill, called the funding bill, was approved by the […]

Government Re-Opens after Short Shutdown with a New Funding Bill

Stop-Gap Passed: What Will the Government Do Next? After the government shutdown in January, House Republicans passed a stop-gap spending bill to avoid another shutdown on February 7th. A stop-gap bill is passed when Congress can’t agree on a full budget on time. This is the fifth stop-gap bill passed since […]

Stop-Gap Passed: What Will the Government Do Next?

Amazon partners with big names to enter Healthcare
Amazon Partners and Other Big Names Enter Healthcare It seems like every big name in the business wants a piece of healthcare. Apple is making deals with health networks to allow access to health records, while companies like CVS plan to merge with providers. It shouldn’t surprise you that Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, […]

Amazon Partners and Other Big Names Enter Healthcare

What to Expect of Healthcare in the Future If you couldn’t tell before now, healthcare has always been on a steady rise, as our population grows larger and begins to age. With medical spending at a high and healthcare jobs taking up a majority of the market, healthcare has just become the U.S.’s […]

Healthcare Careers Are Taking over the Job Market

Will Association Health Plans Be a New Alternative? Healthcare might experience an expansion in access to affordable health insurance, according to the Department of Labor (DOL). On the 4th of January, the DOL proposed a rule to expand the opportunity to offer employment-based health insurance to small businesses through Small Business […]

Will AHP Make Healthcare Cheaper?

New Executive Credentials for Across State Sales Not long ago, President Trump released a statement which should have all insurance sellers at the edge of their seats. “I’ll probably be signing a very major executive order where people can go out across state lines, do lots of things, and buy […]

President Trump’s Executive Order Permitting Health Insurance Sales Across State ...

Every year, there are a few changes to the ACA marketplace. It’s important to stay on top of these changes so you know what to expect from the upcoming open enrollment. To help you stay informed, Jeff Hess, our in-house ACA expert, explains some of the potential changes in the […]

Changes to Expect for the Upcoming ACA Plan Year 2018

The Problem: Rising Health Insurance Rates With June now upon us, it is officially the rate-setting season. It’s the time of year when health insurers tell state and federal regulators how much they plan to charge for premiums next year. However, as of now, the Trump administration has yet to […]

How to Combat Rising Health Insurance Rates in 2017-2018