insurance and finances

  Cost Sharing Reductions When it comes to cost sharing reductions, we’re talking about the Affordable Care Act, which is also referred to as the marketplace or Obamacare. Basically, cost-sharing reductions apply to those with a low income (household income). Now that’s subjective, but the government built a chart for that […]

Cost Sharing Reductions: How to Receive Aid for Insurance Costs

It’s important to have someone on the inside of your corner. Today’s episode we’re going to decipher some insurance jargon. This episode can help someone looking for health insurance make a smarter decision when they are shopping. Dave is going to cover the three most commonly used terms today in […]

Dave’s Corner: What Is a Deductible, Co-Payment, and Co-Insurance?

The Problem: Rising Health Insurance Rates With June now upon us, it is officially the rate-setting season. It’s the time of year when health insurers tell state and federal regulators how much they plan to charge for premiums next year. However, as of now, the Trump administration has yet to […]

How to Combat Rising Health Insurance Rates in 2017-2018

Do you have life insurance or disability income insurance through your employer? If so, it’s important to make sure that the payment – if deducted from payroll – uses after-tax dollars. Likewise, if you’re self-employed or a small business owner, you should not pay for the policy through the company. Instead, you should […]

Be Sure to Use After-Tax Dollars to Pay for Disability ...

According to the American Cancer Society, one in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with some sort of cancer during their lifetime. The odds that somebody you know, whether friends or family or even you, may get cancer. To make matters worse, cancer induces high medical expenses. Sixty-percent […]

The Best Type of Cancer Plan

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
This year, many individuals shopping for health insurance are worried about the costs, specifically the high deductibles and premiums. Though not well-known, there is actually a solution to help combat high costs. Many smart agents are proposing two products rather than one to help lower premiums and deductibles. This may […]

Packaging Two Health Insurance Policies Can Lower High Deductibles

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
This year, the number one concern people have with health insurance is keeping premiums down.  Empower Brokerage hears the same question asked repeatedly, “How do I find a plan that’s actually affordable?”  We recommend consumers purchase the cheapest available Affordable Care Act plan. Then, they can package the cheaper plan […]

Got High Premiums? Consider Adding a Gap Plan to a ...

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Overwhelmed by high deductibles? Worried about your out-of-pocket exposure? Fear not! Jeff Hess, the individual health expert, has the solution to your problems. Check out the video below to learn the best way to spend your healthcare dollars and get an affordable plan this ACA season! How to Fight High Deductibles and Avoid Out-of-Pocket […]

Got High Deductibles? Consider a Gap Plan for 2017