health insurance basics

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During the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) when you purchased a plan, you should have received an eligibility letter. In order to receive a subsidy, the letter states that you’re required to submit proof of income, residency, or citizenship, or all of the above. So when you purchased the plan -let’s say […]

Don’t Lose Your Subsidy or Coverage in 2017

The health insurance industry tends to cause a lot of confusion for individuals shopping for a health plan. The primary reason for this confusion is the excessive use of acronyms! Below is a comprehensive list of healthcare acronyms: A ACA: (Patient Protection and) Affordable Care Act ACO: Accountable Care Organization […]

Terms Defined: Commonly Used Acronyms in Health Insurance

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Empower Brokerage can’t stress enough the importance of getting a health insurance agent to assist you get the coverage you need. Since the health insurance industry changes every year, it’s difficult for an agent to stay on top of all the changes, let alone someone who doesn’t have a career […]

What You Should Look for in a Health Insurance Agent

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
This year, many individuals shopping for health insurance are worried about the costs, specifically the high deductibles and premiums. Though not well-known, there is actually a solution to help combat high costs. Many smart agents are proposing two products rather than one to help lower premiums and deductibles. This may […]

Packaging Two Health Insurance Policies Can Lower High Deductibles

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
This year, the number one concern people have with health insurance is keeping premiums down.  Empower Brokerage hears the same question asked repeatedly, “How do I find a plan that’s actually affordable?”  We recommend consumers purchase the cheapest available Affordable Care Act plan. Then, they can package the cheaper plan […]

Got High Premiums? Consider Adding a Gap Plan to a ...

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Overwhelmed by high deductibles? Worried about your out-of-pocket exposure? Fear not! Jeff Hess, the individual health expert, has the solution to your problems. Check out the video below to learn the best way to spend your healthcare dollars and get an affordable plan this ACA season! How to Fight High Deductibles and Avoid Out-of-Pocket […]

Got High Deductibles? Consider a Gap Plan for 2017

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Shopping for Health Insurance – What to Look for in an Agent For those shopping for health insurance, many find themselves asking, “What should I do?” Empower Brokerage believes its important to contact an independent agent. Preferably, consumers should look for an agent that offers all the alternatives available in the marketplace. […]

Shopping for Health Insurance Tip #1: Contact an Independent Agent

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
A Few Words About How Supplemental Insurance Benefits Can Save You Money Rodney Culp, CEO of Empower Brokerage, has been helping people save money on their health insurance for over 32 years.  Recently, Culp’s mission for Empower focuses on helping people choose a good ACA plan. More specifically, a plan that benefits their […]

Got High Premiums? Supplemental Insurance Benefits Can Help

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Obamacare Alternative Rodney Culp, CEO of Empower Brokerage, has been helping people find affordable health insurance for the past 32 years. In those 32 years, he’s never seen a time that was more tumultuous than this year. Because of rising premiums, evident during this Open Enrollment season, it’s important that […]

Short Term Medical Plans: The Obamacare Alternative

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
The first Obamacare deadline is almost here! Watch the video below and put the open enrollment dates in your calendar! You don’t want to miss your deadline! Three Open Enrollment Deadlines The Affordable Care Act deadlines are based on the open enrollment time frame. Open enrollment is from November 1st […]

The First Open Enrollment Deadline Is Fast Approaching!