
Restorative Yoga
  Restorative Yoga Approach A style of yoga that offers a gentler more low-key approach is Restorative Yoga. This form of yoga is relaxing while also providing health benefits l such as stress management, muscle relaxation, and better sleep quality. This practice is a highly relaxing more meditative form of […]

Gentle Stretching Through Restorative Yoga

generational gap in communication
The Generational Gap in Communication If you have had conversations with people from an older generation, you understand that there can be a lack of understanding. You have certain terms and ways of speaking that do not connect. This can lead to conflict and just makes the workplace more difficult […]

The Generational Gap in Communication

The hope is that this extension of Medicaid postpartum benefits will help improve the lives of many new parents on Medicaid. 
There has been a lot of talk in the past weeks surrounding the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which provides funding and provisions that will benefit industries, businesses, and individuals affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Though most of the discourse has surrounded topics like a bailout for struggling […]

US Approves Extension of Medicaid Postpartum Benefits

Marriage and Family Therapy is currently under examination for coverage under Medicare and Medicaid. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels.
The Ultimate Collective Everyone has their own idea of what a family is.  Some assert that families are tight-knit groups of blood relatives while others favor found families of friends.  There are sprawling families, sparse families, families that function as refuges, and families that feel lonely even when they’re together.  […]

Will Medicaid Pay for My Marriage and Family Therapy?

Medicare Extra Help for Part D
Savings Through Extra Help Prog8ram The Extra Help program provides assistance for lower-income individuals that wish to join a Medicare Part D coverage plan. In order to join a Part D plan, individuals must first join BOTH Medicare Part A and Part B. Joining Part D provides coverage for prescription […]

Extra Help for Part D Medicare

Receive therapy for less using the sliding scale payment system. Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash.
The Cost In today’s increasingly distressing world, more people than ever before are seeking professional mental health diagnosis and treatment.  However, with insured and uninsured patients alike having to pay upwards of $100 per session (maybe MORE), many who desperately need the help decide to go without.  The worst part?  […]

How to Get Therapy FOR LESS: The Sliding Scale