The Enneagram Personality Test
This test helps to measure your personality test and helps to tell you the kind of person you are. There are nine personality types with this test. They are as follows.
- Type 1 – Type 1 can be thought of as The Perfectionist. Ones place a lot of emphasis on following the rules and doing things correctly.
- Type 2 – Type 2 can be described as The Giver. Twos want to be liked and find ways that they can be helpful to others so that they can belong.
- Type 3 – Type 3 is also known as the Achiever. Threes want to be successful and admired by other people and are very conscious of their public image.
- Type 4 – Type 4 is known as The Individualist. Fours want to be unique and to experience deep emotions.
- Type 5 – Type 5 is described as The Investigator. Fives seek understanding and knowledge and are more comfortable with data than other people.
- Type 6 – Type 6 is also known as The Loyalist. Sixes are preoccupied with security, seek safety, and like to be prepared for problems.
- Type 7 – Type 7 is described as The Enthusiast. Sevens want to have as much fun and adventure as possible and are easily bored.
- Type 8 – Type 8 is also known as The Challenger. Eights see themselves as strong and powerful and seek to stand up for what they believe in.
- Type 9 -Type 9 is also called The Peacemaker. Nines like to keep a low profile and let the people around them set the agenda.
What can I do with my score?
Finding a good job can be a great way to utilize your type. There are tons of jobs out there that are looking for a specific type of person or even jobs that could be best suited for your personality type. You can go to websites that can direct you to career paths. Additionally, you might find that you are best suited for a job because of your preferences and personality.
Knowing your personality can help you get in with the right crowd. It can be easy to surround yourself with people that are not ideal for your type. However, knowing that ahead of time can help create less tension and overall help manage your expectations.
You can take the test yourself here. Personality tests are not foolproof so please keep that in mind.
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