open enrollment period

Every year, there are a few changes to the ACA marketplace. It’s important to stay on top of these changes so you know what to expect from the upcoming open enrollment. To help you stay informed, Jeff Hess, our in-house ACA expert, explains some of the potential changes in the […]

Changes to Expect for the Upcoming ACA Plan Year 2018

Short Term Medical Plan Companion Life
1. Available Year-Round This year, Open Enrollment lasts from November 1, 2017 to December 15, 2017. If you did not file for insurance in previous years, chances are you will not be able to get coverage until those dates. For those that don’t want to wait for Open Enrollment, Companion Life short term medical […]

Three Benefits to Having a Companion Life Short Term Medical ...

In 2014, when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into full effect, individuals had six months to enroll. Then, the following year, people only had three months; however, the government ended up extending the open enrollment deadline. That year, they also assisted people during the tax season who didn’t know or understand why they were […]

CMS Shortens OEP for The 2018 Insurance Plan Year

Aetna is one of the largest health insurance companies in the nation. They offer a broad product portfolio, including senior products like Medicare, group insurance for both small and large companies, ancillary products, international products, as well as under 65 health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. In regards to the latter, Aetna provides insurance […]

Top Health Insurance Carriers: Aetna

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
Outside of the open enrollment period (OEP), the only way to get qualified coverage is with a special enrollment period (SEP) or through an employer. However, not many qualify for an SEP. So, those looking for health coverage without an SEP outside of OEP need to consider short-term medical plans. […]

Short-Term Medical Plans Now 3-Months with Non-Renewal

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
During the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) when you purchased a plan, you should have received an eligibility letter. In order to receive a subsidy, the letter states that you’re required to submit proof of income, residency, or citizenship, or all of the above. So when you purchased the plan -let’s say […]

Don’t Lose Your Subsidy or Coverage in 2017

Photo for thumbnail talking about short-term medical.
How to Get Coverage After Open Enrollment Special Enrollment Period – Qualified Coverage If you’re like a lot of Americans, you didn’t apply for coverage in time. Now you’re trying to figure out what to do in regards to health coverage. Since the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) ended January 31, there’s really only one […]

What to Do after Open Enrollment

health care
The ultimate goal of ACA was to insure more Americans. If the insured rate is the measure of success, then Obamacare succeeded. At least 20 million more people now have health insurance than they did before the law. To improve the uninsured rate, the Obama administration wanted to make it easy for people […]

Trump Administration Announces New ACA Ruling